
Workshop in Causal Analysis and Decision Making based on Causal Forests and Decision Trees

This two-day workshop equips participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge to understand causal relations and implement tree algorithms for effect estimation and decision making. Day 1 familiarizes with the theoretical concepts of causal analysis, effect heterogeneity, and optimal treatment allocation. Day 2 is a practical session that uses our Python mcf package to estimate various forms of treatment effects and optimal allocation rules. 

Day 1 - Causality, Effect Heterogeneity, Decision Making Causality:

  •     Formalising causal analysis using potential outcomes.
  •     Treatment effects at various resolution levels.
  •     Identifying causal effects with experiments and selection on observables.

Causal forests to detect effect heterogeneity:

  •     Conventional classification and regression tree (CART).
  •     Causal trees and forests.
  •     mcf causal machine learner.

Policy trees for decision making:

  •     Decision criteria.
  •     Optimal treatment allocation.
  •     mcf policy learner. 

Day 2 – Applying our mcf package for causal analyses and decision making:

Hands-on session:

  •     Introduction of the mcf documentation.
  •     Practical implementation of the software.
  •     Estimation of treatment effects at different granularities.
  •     Policy learning for decision making.
  •     Discussion.




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Athey, S., Tibshirani, J., and Wager, S. (2019). Recursive partitioning for heterogeneous causal effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(27): 7353-7360.
Burlat, H. (2024). Everybody’s got to learn sometime? A causal machine learning evaluation of training programmes for jobseekers in France, Labour Economics, online:102573.
Bodory, H., Busshoff, H., and Lechner, M. (2022). High Resolution Treatment Effects Estimation: Uncovering Effect Heterogeneities with the Modified Causal Forest, Entropy 24(8): 1039.
Bodory, H., Mascolo, F., and Lechner, M. (2024). Enabling Decision-Making with the Modified Causal Forest: Policy Trees for Treatment Assignment, Algorithms, 17(7): 318.
Cockx, B., Lechner, M. and Bollens, J. (2023). Priority to unemployed immigrants? A causal machine learning evaluation of training in Belgium., Labor Economics, 80: 102306.
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Wager, S. and Athey, S. (2019). Estimation and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects using Ran-dom Forests, Journal of the American Statistical Association 113(253): 1228-1242.
Zhou, Z., Athey, S., and Wager, S. (2023). Offline Multi-Action Policy Learning: Generalization and Optimization, Operations Research 71(1): 148–183.