
Lechner, M.; Zimmert, M.: Nonparametric Estimation of Conditional Average Treatment Effects, will be published in Econometrics Journal
Bodory, H.; Huber, M.; Lechner, M. (2023): The Finite Sample Performance of Instrumental Variable-Based Estimators of the Local Average Treatment Effect When Controlling for Covariates, Computational Economics, 1-26
Hodler, R.; Lechner, M.; Raschky, P.A. (2023): Institutions and the Resource Curse: New Insights from Causal Machine Learning, Plos One 18 (6), e0284968
Preinerstorfer, D. (2023): How to Avoid the Zero-Power Trap in Testing for Correlation, Econometric Theory, 39, 1292--1324
Pötscher, B. M.; Preinerstorfer, D. (2023): How Reliable are Bootstrap-Based Heteroskedasticity Robust Tests?, Econometric Theory, 39, 789--847
Kock, A. B.; Preinerstorfer, D. (2023): Consistency of p-norm Based Tests in High Dimensions: Characterization, Monotonicity, Domination, Bernoulli, 29, 2544--2573
Lechner, M. (2023): Causal Machine Learning and its use for Public Policy, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 159, Article 8.
Hodler, R.; Lechner, M.; Raschky, PA. (2023): Institutions and the Resource curse: New Insights from Causal Machine Learning, PLoS ONE 18(6): e0284968.
Kock, A. B.; Preinerstorfer, D.; Veliyev, B. (2023): Treatment recommendation with distributional targets, Journal of Econometrics, Volume 234, Issue 2, Pages 624-646
Lechner, M.; Pawlowski, T.; Schüttoff, U.; Steckenleiter, C. (2023): Do Local Expenditures on Sports Facilities Affect Sports Participation?, Economic Inquiry, 1– 26.
Kock, A. B.; Preinerstorfer, D.; Veliyev, B. (2023): Functional Sequential Treatment Allocation, published online by Cambridge University Press
Bollens, J.; Cockx, B.; Lechner, M. (2023): Priority to Unemployed Immigrants? A Causal Machine Learning Evaluation of Training in Belgium Labour Economics, Labour Economics, Volume 80, Article 102306
Brox, E.; Krieger, T. (2022): Birthplace Diversity and Team Performance, Labor Economics, Volume 79, Article 102288
Bodory, H.; Busshoff, H.; Lechner, M. (2022): High Resolution Treatment Effects Estimation: Uncovering Effect Heterogeneities with the Modified Causal Forest, Entropy, 24(8), 1039
Balestra, S.; Eugster, B.; Liebert, H. (2022): Peers with Special Needs: Effects and Policies, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 602-618 
Bodory, H.; Huber, M.; Laffers, L. (2022): Evaluating (weighted) dynamic Treatment Effects by double Machine Learning, The Econometrics Journal: 25(3), 628-648
Kock, A. B.; Preinerstorfer, D. (2022): Superconsistency of Tests in High Dimensions, will be published in Econometric Theory
Lechner, M.; Pawlowski, T.; Steckenleiter, C; Wallrafen, T. (2021): Individual Labor Market Effects of Local Public Expenditures on Sports, Labour Economics, Volume 70, Article 101996
Brown, M.; Fengler, M. R.; Huwyler, J.; Koeniger, W.; Lalive, R.; Rohrkemper, R. (2023): Monitoring Consumption Switzerland: Data, Background, and Use Cases, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Volume 159:4
Rauh, C.; Valladares-Esteban, A. (2023): On the Black-White Gaps in Labor Supply and Earnings over the Lifecycle in the US, Review of Economic Dynamics, 51, 424--449
Koeniger, W.; Lennartz, B.; Ramelet, M. (2022): On the transmission of monetary policy to housing market, European Economic Review, Volume 145, Article 104107
Koeniger, W.; Zanella, C. (2022): Opportunity and Inequality across Generations, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 208