Causal Machine Learning, Sports, labour, health, and population economics.; Microeconometrics.
Sports and Labor Economics
Machine Learning & Econometrics
Sports and Health Economics
University of Mannheim (1990-1998).
Research Fellow of the CEPR, London, PSI, London, IAB, Nuremberg, IZA, Bonn and CESifo, München
Member of German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Coeditor of Empirical Economics (2014-2017).
Coeditor of the German Economic Review (2013-2017).
Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Labour Market Research (2013-).
Co-Editor of economics (2006-).
Member of the Editorial Board of Foundations and Trends in Econometrics (2004-).
Associate editor of Econometric Reviews (2010-2013).
Member of the Editorial Board of the German Economic Review (2012-2013).
Associate editor of the Journal of Labor Economics (2008-2012).
Associate editor of the Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (2007-2010).
Associate editor of Labour (2006-2012).
Co-editor of a Special Issue of Empirical Economics on Programm Evaluation (2013).
Associate editor of Empirical Economics (2002-2006).
The list of publications on this website may be outdated, but you find most of my publications on This page excludes discussion papers, but includes preprints as well as internet appendices of the respective papers.
You can also access most of my papers (incl. all discussion papers) on RePEC at and on SSRN at